Learn how to adjust a multi-needle embroidery machine's thread picker. Anytime the thread tails are too short, resulting in the thread pulling out of the needle when the machine starts, it is usually caused by a thread picker problem. The thread picker is a two pronged fork that is located in … [Read more...]
Choosing the “Best” Embroidery Machine For You
When considering which embroidery machine to purchase, there is no such thing as the "best" embroidery machine. The best embroidery machine for you is the one that fits your needs. There are several factors to consider when making an embroidery machine purchase. What is your budget? Do you want … [Read more...]
Embroidery Machine – Bobbin Type / Style Guide
Embroidery Bobbin Types The dimensions of a bobbin indicate its "style." Each style is represented by a letter. The letter indicates the bobbin's height and width. When referring to a specific bobbin style, often the word "type" or "size" is used instead of "style." Each sewing or … [Read more...]